Monday, November 19, 2012

New show at East Hawaii Cultural Center in Hilo

November 3-28, 2012 Monday - Saturday 10am till 4pm

"Sacred ‘Io, Eyes of God"
Original Watercolor
I am pleased to have my latest watercolor painting chosen for the EHCC exhibition, by the distinguished juror, Momi Cazimero.  She served as curator and juror for the State Foundation of Culture and the Arts, Honolulu Academy of Arts and other institutions in Hawaii.  She received the "Living Treasure Award" in 2005.  I enjoyed her informative juror's talk about the selection process, looking at the meaning of the piece, good design, originality, technical excellence, presentation, relevance to our culture and time in history, etc.  Since her standards are very high, I felt it was a great honor to have my 'Io selected for the show.  The HSFCA (Hawaii State Foundation for Culture and Arts also makes selections from the Fall Arts Festival so I felt good about having my piece exhibited there.

Everyone who knows me well, knows about my love and respect for the native Hawaiian Hawk, the "Io.  I have written about the hawk, and have seen many wondrous and memorable sitings of the 'Io near my house, around Kona and Holualoa.  It was a joy to work on this painting, it felt very inspired.  The eyes are more human, than animal, and hence the title evolved.  We also have many lehua blossoms from the 'ohi'a trees around my home.  It is said if you pick a lehua blossom it will start raining, and sure enough while observing one, it would start raining.  I believe this is one of my best watercolor paintings yet, the colors are pleasing and more muted.  Many more grays were used to enhance the warm red colors of the native blossoms.  I am also ready to begin a watercolor painting of the Pueo, the native Hawaiian Owl, which I have also seen in Holualoa.  They are drawn as a diptych at the artist Kathy Long's suggestion.

Aloha, Diane

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